Collage Explorations

Explore the elements of art through collage techniques

Bring your collaging to the next level through the exploration of various techniques. Your Guide Amber will help you understand and use elements of art and principles of design, such as juxtaposition, symmetry, balance and many more.

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Collage Explorations
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1 Your Guide

Amber Santos Learn more about me

I’m of German Canadian, Anishanaabe and Metis descent. I’m a practicing artist with over 20 years of exhibiting and selling paintings and drawings, painting murals and teaching art!

I’m a beginner surfer—I’m not very good at it, but every wave I drop is worth the hundreds of wipe outs.

2 Materials Needed

Paper, magazines or newspapers to cut out of, scissors, drawing supplies

3 Learning Focus

  • Communicating
  • Creative thinking

4 Registration

You’re selecting a Realtime Single A one-time Livestreamed Activity led by a qualified Guide.

5 Best Suited For:

Stick figures of varying sizes waving

My age is between 9 - 12

Yellow and blue gear

All experience levels are welcome.

Child and mother stick figure standing

I can do this independently.

An open book

All reading levels are welcome.