Kitchen Science

Explore scientific concepts by creating delicious treats!

Join 1 or all 3 sessions of delicious kitchen chemistry! Day 1: Kids will explore different types of mixtures & make a yummy smoothie. Day 2: Kids will explore states of matter with a Rainbow Pizza. Day 3: Kids will learn how living ingredients are important to different types of food, like yeast!

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Kitchen Science
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View media slide: 2

1 Your Guide

2 Materials Needed

Day 1 (trail mix supplies, smoothie ingredients, mayonnaise ingredients). Day 2 (rainbow pizza ingredients). Day 3 (bread in a bag ingredients, yogurt ingredients). See individual sessions for supply list.

3 Learning Focus

  • Collaborating
  • Creative thinking
  • Critical & reflective thinking
  • Social awareness & responsibility

4 Registration

You’re selecting a Realtime Series A one-time Livestreamed Activity led by a qualified Guide.

5 Best Suited For:

Stick figures of varying sizes waving

My age is between 6 - 8

Yellow and blue gear

All experience levels are welcome.

Child and mother stick figure standing

My parents need to be around.

We advise a grown-up is close by to supervise with the materials and tools for safe use. Use safety gear, such as safety goggles, gloves, and wear an old shirt for STEM/STEAM Activities

An open book

All reading levels are welcome.