Learn Coding Basics with Scratch

Become familiar with the Scratch interface & get started coding!

Has your kid ever wanted to learn coding?! Scratch is an amazing free online tool by Scratch Foundation and MIT Media Lab for children to learn coding that is simple and fun to use! You’ll learn how to use Scratch and make basic programs, simple animations and so much more. https://scratch.mit.edu

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Learn Coding Basics with Scratch
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1 Your Guide

Glenn Kachmar Learn more about me

Hello, I'm Glenn. I have had a lifelong interest in science, technology, nature, math, building things, & much more. Perhaps what makes me unique is that when I dress as a mad scientist, my friends tell me it's not a costume. Hope to see you in my classes. Until then I need to work in my secret lab on my d̶e̶a̶t̶h̶ ̶r̶a̶y̶ hamster maze.

I regret to admit that I have eaten a brain sandwich...

2 Materials Needed

The only materials needed will be a computer with internet access. We will be using Scratch, a free program created by MIT to teach coding.

3 Learning Focus

  • Communicating
  • Creative thinking

4 Registration

You’re selecting a Realtime Single A one-time Livestreamed Activity led by a qualified Guide.

5 Best Suited For:

Stick figures of varying sizes waving

My age is between 8 - 12

Yellow and blue gear

All experience levels are welcome.

Child and mother stick figure standing

I can do this independently.

An open book

All reading levels are welcome.