Draw a Chalk Mandala
What are Mandalas? Learn and draw a chalk mandala outside.
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2 More About my Activity
Explore mindful drawing as you create a unique chalk mandala using radial symmetry. Look at nature for inspiration and experiment with drawing organic and geometric shapes. Discover techniques for drawing with chalk and create an original mandala outside.
3 What Materials Do I Need?
Chalk, string, scissors, pencil, paper, pavement or sidewalk. Optional: paintbrush, water, items for tracing, metre stick.
4 I learn useful skills too?
- Creative thinking
- Personal awareness & responsibility
5 My Guide!
I’m a doodler, dreamer and maker. Some hobbies are drawing, graphic design & media arts. I’ve been an educator and home learning parent K-12 and love exploring creative pursuits through fun activities!
Fun fact: I have 2 tuxedo cats that love water!

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