Develop a Business Plan

Explore a business idea and create a lean business plan!

While passion is the driving force of entrepreneurial endeavours, a living, breathing plan is needed to provide clarity and structure. Kids will explore their own business idea and investigate the major functional areas of a business. Then they will create a lean business plan to set their plan in motion.

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Develop a Business Plan
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1 Your Guide

Trisha Wilson Learn more about me

If I had to pick a quote to live by, it would be, “To be playful and serious at the same time is possible, and it defines the ideal mental condition” by John Dewey, a renowned psychologist and philosopher. These words inspire me everyday to make learning fun, engaging and meaningful. With my communications degree, BC teaching certification and an advanced certificate in inclusive education, I’ve had the privilege of teaching learners of all ages—from kindergartners to adults—in diverse subjects such as mindfulness, STEAM, entrepreneurship, and marketing. In any topic and all ages, my goal is to support each learner in becoming the best version of themselves. When I’m not guiding activities on HomeLearners Network, you’ll often find me outdoors, tossing a frisbee, stick, or ball for my energetic dog, Frieda.

2 Materials Needed

Business Plan PDFs

3 Learning Focus

  • Communicating
  • Collaborating
  • Creative thinking
  • Critical & reflective thinking
  • Personal awareness & responsibility
  • Positive personal identity & culture
  • Social awareness & responsibility

4 Registration

You’re selecting a Realtime Series A one-time Livestreamed Activity led by a qualified Guide.

5 Best Suited For:

Stick figures of varying sizes waving

My age is between 9 - 12

Yellow and blue gear

All experience levels are welcome.

Child and mother stick figure standing

I can do this independently.

An open book

I can read independently.