Cardboard House
Create a house of your choice using cardboard and paint.
Your kids are invited to let their imaginations run wild and to dream up their ultimate house. They will use cardboard, tape, glue and paint to make it. They will design, draw, cut, paint and assemble their house. They can add stairs, furniture and miniatures details.

1 Your Guide
I’m of German Canadian, Anishanaabe and Metis descent. I’m a practicing artist with over 20 years of exhibiting and selling paintings and drawings, painting murals and teaching art!
I’m a beginner surfer—I’m not very good at it, but every wave I drop is worth the hundreds of wipe outs.
2 Materials Needed
Cardboard, scissors, exacto knife (optional, if this is safe for the kid), glue, tape, fabric, drawing supplies, craft supplies
3 Learning Focus
- Communicating
- Creative thinking
- Positive personal identity & culture
- Social awareness & responsibility
4 Registration
You’re selecting a Realtime Series A one-time Livestreamed Activity led by a qualified Guide.

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