Holiday (No)Baking A

Holiday recipes for even the youngest pastry chef!

Come to one or come to all! Get in the holiday spirit with these easy, hands-on, no-baking-required recipes. December 4: Oreo Reindeer, December 5: Graham Cracker Houses, December 6: Rice Krispie Snowpals, December 7: Wreath Cookies

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Holiday (No)Baking A
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1 Your Guide

Katie Kennedy Learn more about me

They call me "Katie Educatie." Two of my favourite ways to spend my time are learning with kids and baking up sweet treats in the kitchen. If I were a dessert I would be a funfetti cupcake with ribbons of pink buttercream reaching for the sky! I have been an elementary school educator for a few years now and an avid baker all my life. Baking is an interesting hobby because you can view your creation as a work of art, a math equation and a science experiment that is (hopefully!) good enough to eat! If I were not a teacher, I would definitely have my own retro-themed bakery. I also love making music! I play piano, a little ukulele and am hoping to take up the kalimba one of these days. I enjoy creative writing and crafting with paint, thread, or string. My teaching background is in both Mathematics and English. I believe you can achieve anything you think you can. Some people say the sky is the limit. I say, if you give it your all, the limit does not exist.

2 Materials Needed

A supply list for each day will be in the pre-activity resources. We advise a grown-up/parent be close by to supervise with the materials & tools for safe use. Contact if you'd like to know the supplies before registering.

3 Learning Focus

  • Communicating
  • Collaborating
  • Creative thinking
  • Critical & reflective thinking

4 Registration

You’re selecting a Realtime Single A one-time Livestreamed Activity led by a qualified Guide.

5 Best Suited For:

Stick figures of varying sizes waving

My age is between 5 - 7

Yellow and blue gear

All experience levels are welcome.

Child and mother stick figure standing

My parents need to be around.

We advise a grown-up is close by to supervise with the materials and tools for safe use. Use safety gear, such as safety goggles, gloves, and wear an old shirt for STEM/STEAM Activities

An open book

All reading levels are welcome.